Jesus Tralfaz

I've said this before, but I'll bring it up again now that the episode is being discussed:  I've never understood why everyone is so down on Meridian.  It's a pretty good guide for how to interact with women.



@avclub-f09e57b700c3f50f42e812264b8f7d4f:disqus   That's space racism!

@avclub-f09e57b700c3f50f42e812264b8f7d4f:disqus   That's space racism!

@avclub-e6c1142acfaceea3982a09641b33fc04:disqus , really?  Haley Joel Osment getting stabbed was the highlight of the movie for me.

@avclub-e6c1142acfaceea3982a09641b33fc04:disqus , really?  Haley Joel Osment getting stabbed was the highlight of the movie for me.

Mitch Albom is totally going to jerk off to this.

Mitch Albom is totally going to jerk off to this.

God damnit, I love "Rocks and Shoals."

God damnit, I love "Rocks and Shoals."

Beverly convinced me with that candle.

Beverly convinced me with that candle.

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus Eddington says as much to Sisko when they are on the runabout.  In DS9 replicated food = microwave dinner.

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus Eddington says as much to Sisko when they are on the runabout.  In DS9 replicated food = microwave dinner.

Actually, Ziyal looks noticeably different every time we see her.

Actually, Ziyal looks noticeably different every time we see her.

Oops, I meant why else would she call Jake.

Oops, I meant why else would she call Jake.

Listen guys, eventually she will understand what a dick her boyfriend is
and realize what a great friend Jake is and he perfect they are