Jesus Tralfaz

Listen guys, eventually she will understand what a dick her boyfriend is
and realize what a great friend Jake is and he perfect they are

"Also, one of my favorite things about this episode is how joyous and excited Sisko is at having an infant to hold."

"Also, one of my favorite things about this episode is how joyous and excited Sisko is at having an infant to hold."





Well, it's not the worst DS9 episode.  One of the top five worst, sure.

Well, it's not the worst DS9 episode.  One of the top five worst, sure.

I got the impression that Mardah's affection towards Jake was platonic and Jake's towards her was more serious.  In other words, Jake was firmly in the friend zone and hadn't recognized it yet.

I got the impression that Mardah's affection towards Jake was platonic and Jake's towards her was more serious.  In other words, Jake was firmly in the friend zone and hadn't recognized it yet.

I'm curious on the turn around on these too.  RJS's posts are truly impressive works to behold.

I'm curious on the turn around on these too.  RJS's posts are truly impressive works to behold.

"And then" . . . . "They're friends!"

"And then" . . . . "They're friends!"

Actually, I kinda of like the fact that they call Curzon out on being a dick.  Even Sisko points out on one then more occasion that Curzon could be a real asshole.

Actually, I kinda of like the fact that they call Curzon out on being a dick.  Even Sisko points out on one then more occasion that Curzon could be a real asshole.

At the time, she was.  I think it was Chase Masterson's second episode.  There is even a throw away line about Dax and Leeta spending time together to make it seem less weird.

At the time, she was.  I think it was Chase Masterson's second episode.  There is even a throw away line about Dax and Leeta spending time together to make it seem less weird.
