Jesus Tralfaz




@avclub-0c3e626d1a287cdc48c77515c8dcc243:disqus ,

@avclub-0c3e626d1a287cdc48c77515c8dcc243:disqus ,



@avclub-2b4398f8c60d5dd9b8e3c786a3745192:disqus , while we are bashing Voyager (and really, when are we not), what a waste of great character potential.  How cool could have it been to have an exposed Cardassian spy on serve on the ship?  There interaction with the other Maquis and Chipotle could have been great.

@avclub-2b4398f8c60d5dd9b8e3c786a3745192:disqus , while we are bashing Voyager (and really, when are we not), what a waste of great character potential.  How cool could have it been to have an exposed Cardassian spy on serve on the ship?  There interaction with the other Maquis and Chipotle could have been great.

I totally got around to cleaning the gutters.

I totally got around to cleaning the gutters.

I was always disappointed T'Rul didn't hang around.  She seemed like she would have fit in well with DS9's recurring cast.

I was always disappointed T'Rul didn't hang around.  She seemed like she would have fit in well with DS9's recurring cast.

This plot point really didn't retcon well.  If Odo returning to the great link was so damned important, they probably shouldn't have shot him out of the space cannon.

This plot point really didn't retcon well.  If Odo returning to the great link was so damned important, they probably shouldn't have shot him out of the space cannon.

The part were they come out of the goo was really neat, but it was pretty obvious from about ten minutes into part two.

The part were they come out of the goo was really neat, but it was pretty obvious from about ten minutes into part two.

Don't worry.  I brought a towel.

Don't worry.  I brought a towel.

Yes!  Finally a reason to stay sober till noon on Thursday!