Jesus Tralfaz

Yes!  Finally a reason to stay sober till noon on Thursday!

Hey, thanks man.

Hey, thanks man.

Agreed, this man is a national treasure.

Agreed, this man is a national treasure.

Yep, Finding Nemo went from being a fun, beautifully animated film to an emotional time bomb after my kids were born.

Yep, Finding Nemo went from being a fun, beautifully animated film to an emotional time bomb after my kids were born.

Man, the context specific ads this article is generating are great.

Man, the context specific ads this article is generating are great.

I'd flip Tapestry in for Parallels but otherwise really solid list.

I'd flip Tapestry in for Parallels but otherwise really solid list.

It's all fun and games till Janeway starts screwing holograms

It's all fun and games till Janeway starts screwing holograms

"Aah, for the days when aviation was a gentleman's pursuit — back before every Joe Sweatsock could wedge himself behind a lunch tray
and jet off to Raleigh-Durham."

"Aah, for the days when aviation was a gentleman's pursuit — back before every Joe Sweatsock could wedge himself behind a lunch tray
and jet off to Raleigh-Durham."

They musta found drugs in it

They musta found drugs in it

I jus talked to the lady she said CPS took the baby they got it in Boone County

I jus talked to the lady she said CPS took the baby they got it in Boone County

Yes.  Step Brothers, however, is an under-appreciated gem.