Jesus Tralfaz

I once had a proto-universe form on the outside of my house.  In the end I had to pull off about 4 square feet of vinyl siding, real pain in the ass to get rid of.  

"Actually, we have no idea if anyone is bored in “Paradise,” but we’ll get to that."

"Actually, we have no idea if anyone is bored in “Paradise,” but we’ll get to that."

@avclub-3b876a50ebcaa450103c48dbe0825226:disqus ,

I do appreciate that the most bad ass First Ranger of the Night's Watch wears a hat remarkably similar to my old man wears when he snowblows the driveway.

Hey.  You know what?  Fuck you.


Terrible news.  Shit.

Space Hemingway flew into a star.  That was kind of unintentionally funny.

I don't know why everyone is bashing Meridian.  It's a pretty good guide for how to interact with women.

Insect and Overthinker are right, next week isn't going to get much better.  For my money we are in the worst stretch of DS9 right now.  Pretty boring episodes that aren't truly bad enough to even make fun of.

When I was reading the little bit about Troi and Marina Sirtis, all I
could think was, "hey, she is a very good actress.  Her voice work on
Gargoyles was amazing."

Maybe this was one of "the good" scripts that Siritis claims DS9 stole from TNG.  Which confirms my theory that she was high on mescaline for most of seasons 6 and 7.

On the positive side, nobody mind raped Sisko.  So, you know, second sight at least has that going for it.

Skrreeans were assholes.  Fuck 'em.

@avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus especially when there is a baby coming out of it, smoke demon variety or otherwise.

Also, she's pretty cute.

Fuck that indeed sir.

And now all those kids have to wear helmets to play soccer.  Thanks a lot Worf.

I'm pretty sure it was during DS9's final season in 1999, so after First Contact.