Jesus Tralfaz

Christ, you're an evil bastard.

You know, if you stab a man in the dead of winter, steam will rise up
from the wounds. Klingons believed it was his soul escaping from his


Man, I hope this doesn't end with a drive-by phasering.

"But yeah, if it came down to protecting someone I loved, and I had the means, I’d be able to do commit murder."

"His foundation lie in the holy mountain . . . . Selah."

Now Phil Donahue, well I could listen to news about him all day.

@avclub-0c3e626d1a287cdc48c77515c8dcc243:disqus ,

@avclub-948871c9b02dc17517ee3c9ee7dc3f09:disqus ,

@avclub-9079ea527e08a24dfad44e3302d5f091:disqus ,

I remember reading (or maybe it was mentioned on this board) that Andrew Robinson was very intentionally playing up Garak's sexual ambiguity until the show runners told him to tone it down in later episodes.

Except when they fall down and can't get up.

Melora can float through space but still can't dunk.


You know what they say, once you go Scottish mist you can't go back

I'll chain them naked to a toilet!

Memory alpha sez:

These boards really need a 'hate' button right next the 'like' one.

Capital ships = naval warfare
Fighter ships = dogfights

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