Jesus Tralfaz

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus ,

@avclub-adb4c903674d579c1a43dbf3ae93f077:disqus ,

Something, something anti-luck balls joke.

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus ,

Didn't he start pulling of the ol' walking-slowly-with-my-hands-clasp-behind-my-back trick once he was joined with Dax?

Also it has a cripple comically spasming out on a hall way floor.  Society will indeed advanced much in the next two hundred years.

Yep, IIRC you've got like three days before it's too late to switch back.

@avclub-948871c9b02dc17517ee3c9ee7dc3f09:disqus ,  No it really wasn't.  I like what the character became and I think that Farrell could play the wise cracking, action barbie well enough, but she was clearly the most limited actor on the show.

@avclub-adb4c903674d579c1a43dbf3ae93f077:disqus Another part of the problem is that the character of Curzon was far more interesting than the character of Jadzia for the first two plus seasons.  The boozing, Klingon partying, tail chasing Dax is a far moer interesting character and is easier for Ferrell to pull off

It's more bothersome because it's really not necessary to have Quark be the way they made their way on to the station.  I understand the need to have Armin Shimmerman present in the episode but ultimately it adds nothing but problems to the story.

@avclub-bbb3af3d466d7231aa738ff95762091d:disqus ,

Cardassians means the return of Garak which means awesome.

It also really bugged me that Quark got off the hook so completely and easily.  Bah.

I agree except we never really get to see much of the Daxless Jadzia.  John Glover does a great job as pre and post Dax Verad but ultimately he is a one off character and it would have been much more interesting to see how this affected Jadzia.  The episode only gives us a brief scene with Bashir.

Spoilers for next week:

There was more than one occasion in which Sisko acknowledge even though Curzon was his mentor and friend, he was also a total asshole.

You just create a static warp shell to separate time from anti-time.  I mean, c'mon people.

There is never an inappropriate time to yell "speak English motherfucker!" 

He is?  Well, I guess the book wasn't that bad.

You've outdone yourself once again Mr. Russell.