Jesus Tralfaz

Also, Louise Fletcher rocks.  Yet another great recurring character gets added to the show.

Damn straight.  Everyone knows that the Federation was founded upon Vulco-Christian principles.

God damn Pinkertons!

God I just want to run up behind those shitheads with a pad lock, clamp it through the gauge and run off laughing.


@avclub-13d7df3c17502af69aafccc758195f96:disqus It's a thin line to walk.  I think as long as no one posts a picture of a my little pony dressed as a Cardassian we are okay.

I also always loved Garak's annoyed dismissal of Julius Caesar.

@avclub-bbb04f2a70775131fa0397bbdb4c03de:disqus hey, that one episode Tom Paris was rocking a 5 o'clock shadow any 13 year old ginger would envy.

That line is fucking golden by the way.

Poor O'Brien.  All that hot inter-species engineer action just lining up for him and he's tied down to Keiko. 

We had Frakes, Siritis and IWRB on TNG and now we have the pleasure of Garak, Rappin' Jake Sisko and Benny Russell.  I don't think any other board has anywhere near as talented or original gimmick posters as the Star Trek shows.

Ha!  I knew blowing off work to constantly refresh this page would eventually pay off!

Hey guys, I know we are trapped on the otherside of the Galaxy with such limited resources that we can't run the replicators and have to eat Neelix's shitty cooking, but who wants to play bumper pool in the holodeck?

"Because they were clean Major!"

You're crazy, it's turtles the whole way down.

My thoughts exactly.  It's DS9's version of "Measure of a Man" from TNG.  It's the first truly great episode in the series but more than that it's the first episode where the show really stood on its own terms instead of borrowing on it's Trek predecessor.

No shit.  Can anyone point me to a piece of fiction where their is a native american character in the modern day world that doesn't fall back made-up vision quest or other completely fake religious bullshit.

Not only does she commit murder, the rest of the crew just stands there and let's it happen.  It's a great episode but man does the Janeway (and the rest of the crew) come off like fucking assholes.

Oh yeah, nothing beats "ITS REEEEEEAL!"

Yes god forbid anyone create a new character for a post series novel when co-opting an extremely minor character from a different series with no logically backstory will do.