Jesus Tralfaz

I wouldn't say I'm impressed with Brooks' insane acting, more along the lines of happy that he went full on ham mode a la Shatner.

The Enterprise had Dr. Selar: Night Doctor.

Wait till the end of season 3

Get that through ya fuckin head Tommy!

True, but there is fat on muscle and just fat.  The actor playing Buck was no Prince Fielder.

Worthless, worthless gold

Even though he's done the "I like you" speech before, I really dug Sisko's speech with Kira.  It was a good beat for both of the characters.

No kidding, these are really quite brilliant.

Oh yeah.  There is some just flat out offensive shit in season 1 of TNG.  Season 1 of DS9 also benefited from having a sense of an established universe and far better production values.

From what (little) I've seen with the TNG blueray effects it's much the same.  There is a noticeable improvement in the quality but they've taken a lot of care to re-create them in the fashion of the show.

Yep.  Bashir is an officer, O'Brien is an enlisted man.


I think that Kira is recognized as the XO of DS9 and therefore is above everyone else besides Sisko aboard the station.

That's already a much better episode.

@avclub-6ddbcfc5780466b4939637df65b65c3d:disqus people always say that but there are some pretty lakes there as well.

Somebody else pointed this out awhile ago, but the first two seasons of DS9 are defined by small glimpses of great character interaction in otherwise really bad to mediocre plots.

That was the impression I got as well.  I think they did this for the TOS re-release as well.

At this point I consider it to be part of Star Trek's charm.  Much like exploding bridge consoles.

Based upon the fiction I'm currently making up as I type, they can reattach a severed head, but cannot grow a new one.

That's true.  We've seen both San Francisco and France!