Jesus Tralfaz

I brought this up last week, but seriously, just cut their heads off and bury them in a ditch and be done with it.

So does this imply the Swatch Internet time finally takes off?

Maybe she's just doped up all the time.  Kinda like how Riker was always drunk.

Pretty sure Hoth is referred to as the ice planet Hoth in the opening crawl of Empire.

No, Worf and Data as the best two TNG characters to insert into what essentially feels like a left over Star Trek Phase II episode.

I'm with you there.  It is kind of weird that they just left her there and completely forgot about her.

I've always found that ________________ - underpants = profit.

Pretty much.  Worf and Data is the best combination by the way.

Better yet, what the hell does Dax do?  Why is she in Ops all day?  Shouldn't she be working in a lab or something?

Yeah, this is more of an O'Brien must be annoyed" episode.

It did, however, get Opaka out of the picture, which will be plus for the series later on.

Progress is actually one of the better season one episodes.

That would be a good explanation but that's not how Star Trek works.  One planet = one culture.  It is the way of things.

Andrew Robinson can pull a lot of weight.  The scenes of Garak straight up fucking with Quark are great.

I would pay as much as $45 to hear Avery Brooks hiss "Chineeese"

Duet is a must watch.
Dax, Progress, In the Hands of the Prophets are also worth a look.



I'm betting on the latter.

Is that the one with the murder clown?