Jesus Tralfaz

Iggy Pop is never unnecessary

The only good thing about those Watchmen prequels is it will really piss off Alan Moore.

His cover of Common People is sublime.

Yeah, I mean, he's never close to this bad again.  I almost suspect he shitcanned on purpose.

Travis Mayweather was in Enterprise?

Unfortunately that is Armin Shimmerman's burden more often than not in the first two seasons.  Making something out of dog shit writing.

'"Bashir doesn’t undergo an immediate personality change or start abusing
his genitals with a crucifix, but there really isn’t much mystery here."

Even better if he gets his half brother on the show.


Oh come on, it wasn't Wolverine bad.  Granted it wasn't exactly great and was a shitty in comparison to X2 but the TK fight between Jean and Charles was as good as anything in the previous two movies.

Psst, psst, hey George.  George.

Didn't Sirtis motorboat them or something like that?

That must have been a great writer's meeting:

Someone's never lived in Alabama.

*Ahem* Mrs. Troi, mud bath.  Need I say more.

I blame Ted Danson.  Makes everything easier.

I'm still not convinced that the TNG Trill was in control of Riker.  Think about it, which is more likely?  1) the slug is able to totally control a new, unknown species in the exact same manner as it's previous, native host; or 2) the slug was just along for the ride, barely hanging on, while Riker used it as a

Put 'em in a body bag Billy!

Get the fuck out, really?