Jesus Tralfaz



I thought the Klingons were space Samurai.  Or were they the Space Indians?  

Good point, I can't think of another episode that even came close to being as creepy.

Jeffrey Comb's is the only thing even remotely good associated with Meridian.

I don't know.  I mean, what other show could pull off having a paraplegic floundering around on the floor to such comedic effect?

So the Ferengi are Space Jews and the Trill are Puerto Ricans?

High praise indeed for a Star Trek novel!

It's both.

An aside, I love idea Heisenberg Compensators.  That's how you do technobabble right Braga.  None of this inverse tachion beam shit.

That and clock building

A wizard did it

Star Trek sadly lacked a lot of exploding heads after that episode.

She comes around by season 3.  That said, it took the show longer with Dax than any other character to figure the character out.

I enjoyed Dax more as a species retcon than an episode.  The Trill are a far more interesting race as written in DS9 than in the TNG's host.  As an episode, it's okay.

"I’m starting to notice some persistent flaws. This is competent television, but it could, and should, be more than that."

Cookie, the real issue that I feel you're not giving enough attention to is that of a large multiplanet government which artificially sets the currency value at zero.  Once we return to the latinum standard many of these negative economic influences will be negated.

So it turns out we were the real racists all along.

Soon, soon . . .