Jesus Tralfaz

"You feel bad at home, you can call out from work"

I'm big a fan of that episode.  Hungover Dax is great.  Also, she probably fucked that Hawaiian guy.

I think all of you are underestimating the benefit of getting Bareil off the show.  Seriously, that guy could have died off screen on his way to his home planet for all I cared.

Was anyone else bothered by the fact that they never gave those guys a chair?

True, but that's what makes them the most fun.  He was hardly the most interesting or most interesting but I always enjoyed it when Chipotle would show up and tell us all to fuck off.

Can't you do both?

Bashir is really all over the place in the first season.  One episode he is a green-as-grass officer, hopelessly and pathetically chasing Dax, the next he is an arrogant yet brilliant doctor slaying tail left and right. 

Ah, random star trek gimmick posters.  Eases the pain.

True, but the wise/serious persona never really worked for the character and Farrell couldn't pull it off.  She was much better as a wise-ass action Barbie.


My '89 Ranger and a case of Natty Ice disagree.

Ah, yes.  Miles O'Brien: Space Pimp.

In all fairness we were routinely knocking out 700-800 comment threads for some horrible TNG season 7 shit.


I'd like to see Visitor drop by.  She's enough of an open book that I feel she'd add a lot to the board and I'd like to hear her side of the Sirtis feud.

Didn't she die during the series run?

"Basically I think Shimmerman is often better than the material he is given"

Oh God Horse, why do you know that?

I do appreciate how Dax slowly became the female Riker over the course of the first few seasons.

Yeah, it was pretty fun.  Walking on the bridge of the Enterprise was really pretty sweet.  And the staff was surprisingly cool and committed to their characters.