Jesus Tralfaz

Brooks/Sisko was best as a father and husband.  I've read that he grew close to the actor playing Jake and that his own children were close in age to Jake.  There was a real fondness and that showed up in the father-son scenes and that's why they always seemed the easiest and most legitimate for Sisko.

I like Brooks well enough but he's no where even close to Stewart's league (no one in Trek is).  Stewart was able to sell a lot of shit solely on his acting ability and that's something Brooks was never able to do.  Ultimately I feel that's the main reason TNG was a better series than DS9.


Holy shit!  Star Trek is back!  Woohoo!

"Srsly though, since the prequel comic to ST'09 established that Nero's ship was made with pirated Borg tech from the future,"

The biggest problem with Generations was they were forced to write the entire story out of the necessity to have Picard and Kirk in the same scene.  The story was forced to serve the characters instead of the other way around.  I could see how that would be frustrating and difficult to write.  With All Good Things

A truer gentleman I have never met.  Excellent work as always sir.

Also, that the current day scene between Picard and Crusher.

I'm with Charles, I think Q essentially says as much during his last scene with Picard.

*rises from his seat and begins to vigorously clap*

I'm 90% positive I once read an interview with Ron Moore where he stated that they spent months trying to write Generations, had an "oh shit" moment and realized they need to write a final episode for TNG and then knocked out All Good Things in about two weeks.

Congratulations and thank you Zack.  You've done a really great job and are the main reason this board is as strong as it is.  Can't wait for you to get started on DS9.

Several, actually

A lot like a mud bath but quicker and with two pre-game beers.

Off to a Christmas party.  Good luck and stay safe people!

OH GOD!  I'd completely forgotten about that.  Man, just AGHHH.  This fucking movie.

3).  Dax totally made out with that other hot Trill and I was a 16 year old Star Trek nerd when that episode first aired.

Yeah, somebody ought to call Billy's house and make sure he's okay.  I've got a feeling this is going be really rough on him.

God I love this board.
