Jesus Tralfaz

I got a thing for the Trills.  Spots that go all the way down and they're super easy since they've they stopped giving a shit after the fourth or fifth lifetime.

It sticks out in my mind for the same reason the Geordi and Riker/Troi scenes in Insurrection.  It involves characters we actually are familiar with and care about interacting with each other as opposed to other random movie characters whose names I can't remember.  The only exceptions to this in the TNG movies are

The dinner scene between Picard and Shinzon was good.  Tom Hardy did a respectable job with not a lot to work with.  The beginning scene was cool.  The special effects looked like they belong in a feature film.  The scene when the crew gathers to remember Data is nice as well.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Data doing stand up with Joe Piscopo.

@avclub-5ba47c07b9b6a8f2718d94fa3f48fe9f:disqus , but they're violating direct orders!  What will become of our beloved crew once Starfleet finds out once Riker can tell Starfleet about all the evil shit Starfleet is doing?!  Oh the drama.

Oh star trek nerds, how I love thee.  I'm a little jealous, it sounds like your viewing experience was enhanced by it.

I was just kidding about the captain's yacht thing.  I did see Insurrection in the theaters (so it's been a long time) but I'm fairly sure I the yacht appears shortly after Data's "lock and load" speech.  If memory serves I was trying to slit my wrists on the arm rest at that point.

Just thank God Majel Barrett didn't show up naked in the first scene.

I'd like think that scene from ten plus years ago is finally going to pay off when Frakes and Sirtis show up in the comments.

But Spock had to suggest this to Kirk.

I also yelled out "YES!" when that happened.

How'd we get 521 comments in without mentioning the hot Trill chick? 

Ah c'mon man, I was really excited.

Hey.  Stop that.

Pretty much this.  The one scene that sticks out in my mind as a perfect example of how flat this movie is happens when the Baku or whatever the fuck they are called are running through the hills away from the flying drones.  It's suppose to be a harrowing scene about people fleeing their homes but it comes off like a

I know!  The end of that episode gets me every time I watch it.

The scene is almost startling in the movie.  It's a well acted scene, by a character who we actually know and care about.  Same thing with Riker and Sirtis.  Two characters the audience has a history with, actually care about and two actors with great chemistry.  Unfortunately the rest of movie is about a bunch of

Tune in next week for the greatest TNG film.  It just didn't happen to appear in theaters.

That and the scene with Geordi seeing the sunset for the first time stick out like a sore thumb.  Actually, they are like a rose growing out of a sidewalk crack.

Exactly.  One of the feel scenes in that movie that worked was the crew remembering Data.  And in the next damn scene they completely undermine it by reminding us that Effrem the retarded Android is right there, ready to have all of Data's memories transferred to him just in time for the next movie.