Jesus Tralfaz

This movie is the most egregious example of unfortunately all to common mistake when writing Data.  Child-like curiosity does not equal childish behavior.

Oh, you mean in the second episode?

Just last weekend I carefully unpacked my Enterprise D, Enterprise E, Defiant, Klingon Bird of Prey, DS9 hallmark ornaments, hung them in a central location on the tree, and threatened to break my wife and two year old's hands if they touched any of them.

I love the continuity these posts.  I also kind of hope we get to hear Visitor's side of the story during the DS9 recaps.

It's not her best scene but I do like the one where she had to kick O'Brien out of her room before she jumped his bones.

Ah, Anbo-Jitsu.  The deadliest of all the padded martial arts.

I'm going to go with Frakes

Probably, at least for the first couple of seasons.  The Odo romance subplot probably wouldn't have happened (and the pregnancy one for that matter).

The Enterprise becomes sentient and wants to have a baby.  Picard and Data take a train trip on the holodock with 1920s era gangsters.

You're shitting me?  That's just terrible.

Man, that's one of my favorite DS9 episodes.  The end with Sisko and Old man Jake kills me.

Seriously!  The best he did was get stuck in the friend zone with a Dabo girl.

Ha!  Take that women's rights movement!

The answer is Deep Space Nine.

Emergence is pretty much the basis for all of the season 8 TNG tweets.

Hey!  You guys, hey!

At least Nemesis felt like they were trying.  Also the special effects looked like they spent more than $64.  Again, the movie is a total wreck but if there was a kernal of a decent movie somewhere in there, whereas Insurrection looked like they just couldn't be bothered to even care.

I personally cannot wait to re-argue that Nemesis (the flaming piece of crap that it is) is in fact a better movie than Insurrection.  Sort of like arguing that I'd rather have my left thumb cut off instead of my right thumb.

I say we all just get shitfaced during the live chat.

Seriously, why the fuck is there a giant pit with a catwalk in middle of the Enterprise?  What purpose does it serve?  How would that even work?