Jesus Tralfaz


Man, I can't even watch the end of Finding Nemo without getting choked up.  Yet I have no problem with Khal Drogo ripping a dude's tongue out through his neck.  Go figure.

From what I saw of the special features on the DVDs, yes, yes he was.

Yeah, that still kinda sucks doesn't it?

I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that introns don't really have anything other than random sequence.  There are several examples of regulatory binding sites located in intron sequence.  Minor nitpick.

We got a new one in town just down the road from work.  I'd have preferred a Panera, or a decent sushi place, but what are you going to do?

Nope, he just is.

It beats Sister Ray.

In my lifetime I have seen a polar bear ride a tricycle but I've never seen a family of Indians sit down for dinner at a Red Lobster.


Apparently Worf also forgot.  Serious, that guy was one shitty father.

He got to old, Traveler kicked him out of the Space van.

The only thing that pisses me off more in this episode is a cat "de-evolving" to a lizard.  Lazy fucking writing in a series should (and in the past) enspired to be more.


The problem with Kira and Bariel is that it featured Bariel, the creepiest fucker on Bajor.

I vote for this idea. 

Buzz pretty much sums up my biggest complaint with the character.  That's why I feel it would have been more interesting to replace her with a male character.  But as JLP pointed out you'd have Nana Vistor as the only female lead on the show which is apparently the main reason they canned the idea.

Unless he's playing Data, Spiner is terrible.  Which was always really odd to me since he absolutely nailed Data.  I don't know if he got luck with the character or if 20 plus years of nostalgia has clouded my judgment. 

Yeah, Ezri really never clicked.  Granted she was a new character on the last season of a show that was in the process of tying up a four + season story arc.  She didn't get the first two seasons to suck like ever one else did.

Somebody needs to archive these for future generations.