Jesus Tralfaz

Man, there were some really weird vibes going on between Picard and Data in that final scene.

So am I the only one who enjoyed Worf and Dax?  Their courtship actually makes sense and the actors had decent chemistry.

I do appreciate that Colm Meaney has reached a stage in his career where he essentially says, "Fuck it, I'm not doing an accent" regardless of the character's origin or background.

"Geordie and Data nurse a space bird back to health, and are sad when
they have to release it. Picard is trapped in a turbolift with a baby."

Switching gears, which one of you is responsible for this:

Quick, somebody hold a bottle of glenfiddich in front of giant spotlight!

Oh my God, I'd forgotten about that horrid episode.  Q weapons my ass.  

On second thought, I'm starting to like this episode a lot more.  Enjoy your genetic drift fuckers!

"Weyoun, have the Rolling Stones killed."

God damnit Gary Whitta, why?

Yeah, for a series flush with recurring secondary characters I'm surprized they didn't keep her around.  Would have been neat to see.

Ugh, fuck what a horrible episode. 

In DS9 did they ever spell out the idea that the Romulans gave them a really shitty out-dated cloaking device or did I just make that up in my memory.

The part I really love about that scene is how accepting holo Geordi is of his impending death.


I'll back that up.  It's garbage.  It doesn't work for either story and Frakes and Sirits didn't exactly age well (in all fairness they were probably both well into their fifties by that point playing characters from 20 odd years ago).

I don't know, I thought he and Terry Ferrell had a pretty decent chemistry.  Of course that might have been due to the fact that I was 16 at the time and thought Dax was hot.

It's even more impressive that Moore and Braga knocked that episode out in like two weeks almost as an afterthought while writing Generations.

If you think about it, not really.  Apparently the way to get promoted on the Enterprise is to kill a holographic Geordi.  I'm sure everyone is used to it by now.

That's cause they're so darn sneaky.