Jesus Tralfaz

Eating Troi, Gates sucking, I'm looking forward to Frakes' behind the scenes this week.

The saving grace for both Sub Rosa and Masks are that they are so friggen bad.

It really sticks out since they can just technobabble their way out of it.  Still, all kinds of awesome and easily in the top 5 episodes of TNG.

Also Crusher does herself with a candle in one episode.  So that's either really bad or really good depending on how much of a prevert you are.

They are a few good episodes, Lower Decks, Pegasus.  But for the most part it's really a pretty weak season.  They were really starting to run out of steam.

"Then Geordi stops him and has him put it aside until he’s ready to use it, or something. How does that work? When will Data know he’s ready to install a chip that, earlier, made him turn traitor and engage in a campaign, however briefly, to destroy all non-artificial intelligent life?"

Good. Now apologize for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

"We may or may not have keyed Braga's car. We keyed somebody's car"

Yeah, this movie was pretty cool.

I don't know if I'd go that far.  It was certainly handled better, as in 'this is stupid fucking idea, let's just have him turn it off.'

Very true.  On plus side he did stab Troi.

Ultimately your feelings about the episode are just that, a personal preference and a subjective opinion.  Whether or not anyone else feels the same as you really isn't important and neither negates or validates your feelings about the episode.

He turns into Efrem the retarded android anytime he displays 'emotion.'

I still love his laugh from Q.

Which makes Generations even more stupid when he apparenlty figures "what the hell" and just installs the chip for shits and giggles.

To the episode's credit, the scene with Data and Troi is really pretty creepy.  Which is something TNG rarely pulls off.  Then it kind of goes of track and crashes into a wall in part 2.

I've always really appreciated that they didn't take the cheap and easy way out with Jellico by having Riker jump in and save the day.  It makes for a far more interesting character and story because of it. 

"Crosis actually asks Data if he would kill his closest friend to be able to “feel,” and Data says, “Yes.” Which is terribly silly."

My (American) town is on a roundabout kick two.  For reasons God only knows they put in three of them daisy chained to each other spanning a freeway.  Each one has at least two lanes leading in and most of three.  Needless to say every day around five there is at least one fender bender.

Well according to all non-TV Star Trek fiction, there are only twenty odd people in all of Star Fleet.