Jesus Tralfaz

To each his own.  To me it felt like a weird reason to get Frakes on the show.  It also bugged me since we didn't get to see the Defiant do shit in that episode (for that matter we didn't get to see the Defiant do shit for half that season).

You magnificent bastard

I can bite on his inability to use contractions as simply something that was initially overlooked in his programming (who knows why he never bothered to upgrade his software).  But the idea that he would actually have to test whether or not a pot of water would boil?  Ugh.

"This time, he's studying to see if a watched pot ever boils. Hilarity!"

"I do really, really love the fact that Thomas Riker survives the episode. Now there's a spin-off series."

Nobody? Okay, I'll help out.

Little known fact, Thomas Riker was actually played by Jonathan Frakes twin brother Bill Ken Frakes.

That reads a lot worse than it sounded in my head.

A Klingon mom's blood pie. Mmmmm.

is there anything you can't do?

Highlight of season 1!

Well, he did flip his shit in First Contact.

@Fat Lee

Okay that settles it.

TNG's treatment of biology was complete and utter shit. Especially in light of how they always tried to cutely danced around physics.

"But… I liked this. Quite a bit, actually"
Oh great, we broke Handlen.

No there are both shitty.

*ahem* where.

Oh I like were this is going…

@ Channel 8