Jesus Tralfaz

Truth be told I'm fairly certain the chances of us all getting laid diminish greatly as this thread approaches a thousand.

If this thread hits a thousand posts we all get laid!

This one is for you Jeebus:

Also Data totally stabs Troi and gets away with it. Awesome.



"The sex transitions are also unintentionally hilarious as well. Like Geordi says he's going to the holodeck to research a problem, but all he does is access a Leah Brahams program so he can bang her."

I also love holo-Geordi's response to being ordered to his death.

Oh shit yes, Billy is right. Do Cowboy Bebop.

'There aren't too many "nothing much happened" episodes in there to just skim over'

Also, it looks like they at least spent more than $73 on the special effects.

The flute was inside of the probe. The Enterprise collected from the probe after it shut off.

Ronald D. Moore sez:

Also for what it is worth, I would suggest you return to the three episode a week policy for the first two seasons of DS9.

Time's Arrow pt 1 is actually not that bad of an episode. The scene where Data describes the aliens while everyone just stands around in the same room is genuinely creepy, something TNG really gets right. And I do like the whole "we found Data's head in cave" bit too.

The end scene with the flute is so devastating. It might be my favorite scene in all of TNG. Whoever mentioned it above was right, no other Trek actor but Stewart could have come within a country mile to pulling that off.

DS9 YES! Now we officially have a place to take about Voyager.

I always felt this episode would have been much better had Hugh choosen to return to the Borg knowing full well he would have re-programmed as soon as he hooked up with the hive mind. The ending is a little to easy.

So what's the over/under on the porn Troi being a better actress than Marina Sirtis?

You're right ()