Jesus Tralfaz

Frakes! This is indeed the best gimmick ever.

"I would rather die as the man I was then live the life I just saw."

@ Dan Pierce.

I'm with thiawiwi. Dax was a far more interesting character than Bashir was and certainly at that point of DS9's run. Also Farrell was easy on the eyes.

@ Rocrokea

Bashir did eventually grow into a decent enough character, but why in the world did they use him as the character to try to hook TNG fans with? He was by far the least interesting character in DS9 at the time. Did Terry Ferrell or Rene Auberjonois have all that much going on that they couldn't jump over to the other


Like hang out with a bunch of Space Indians and disappear into the fabric of space time with an inappropriately affectionate alien?

Well Orson Scott Card is also a terrible person, so I guess you shouldn't be too surprized.

That always bugged me too (not the Bajoran chick part). A much, much better ending would have resulted with Tom Paris getting put away in the stockade and Wesley expelled from Starfleet. This is another example of Patrick Stewart saving a middle of the road plot with terrific acting.

Um, these ain't clean cut white kids.

Someone else beat me to it but why not let the Muir speak for himself:

Hey man, nerds love star trek. Also, I like to pretend I'm popular so here's my post.

More importantly, how much boat porn is in it?

@ Horse

There are certain episodes where it's done for the convience of the story a la last week where someone else pointed out that if Data didn't have his memory wiped with the rest of the crew we have a "clues part II," but it seems particularly odd this week when it could have just as easily been Riker who gets possessed

On the plus side, we all get to laugh at Troi. Also Worf's a pimp.

I can't wait till next week's Fake Frakes theard for the Outcast.

A real good one next week
I've always enjoyed Cause and Effect. Best cold opening ever in TNG, a couple of great WTF moments, changes everything up when you're not expecting it and Fraiser shows up at the end. What's not to like?

@ Geddy