Jesus Tralfaz

@ Vader

"Holy shit you guys, look at his little spots!"

Data and Yar is obvious one.

And yet another reason why Ro is clearly the best female character in TNG.

Or for all they know they could have been married.

I always wondered why they didn't beam him over as admiral. Warts and all this is still a pretty enjoyable episode (although I am glad that Zack's nerd rage at Troi betting Data in chess is on par with mine).

You Motherfuckers
*softly weeps in cubicle"

In all fairness, that was an awesome fight scene based solely on Molotov's impossible kick to the face.

Wright Lawyer is correct.

He's on there pretty tight.

Also Riker completes the TNG triple crown by nailing Ro.

Man I love that trope.

yeah, S5 had a lot of meh episodes but there were still some great ones mixed in there. Less so in S6. Then the shit really starts following in during S7.

In my defense, I was drunk when I saw Nemesis. This was in direct response to seeing Insurrection sober.

Now there is a Poochy died on the way back to his home planet vibe I get behind!

Also, your wife might throw up. A lot. It is your job, not the nurses, to hold her hair back while she pukes. Lazy assholes.

There is no greater moment of love and intimacy between a husband and wife than during the act of childbirth when a man informs his wife that, yes in fact, she did just shit herself infront of everyone.

Also, man did Worf get fat. And where the fuck was Whoopi's hat?

I also love the scene pointed out else where when Troi mentions a cosmic strand and O'Brien looks at her like she's an idiot and says "No that's something completely different."