Jesus Tralfaz

The only, only thing worth a damn in Meridian is Jeffrey Combs. The scene where he un-hinges his jaw while thinking about Kira is sublime.

Picard specifically states in Peak Performance that Starfleet is not a military organization. Which has dick all to do with why Worf gets to wear his shash thingy and they don't let Ro wear the earring, what the hell are we talking about?

Voyager had tits (nice ones), but certainly was not tits.

@ Astral Weeks

Gillian Anderson says hi!

And know that Johnny Storm is dead I don't know how the Fantastic Four is going to stop Galactus.

Neither is Rosiland Chao.

Yeah, that had to be awkward.

Actually barbers almost became a thing of the past in the Star Trek universe. Until that Flowbee obtained sentience and killed all those people.

You and everybody else. I eventually came around to Nana Vistor but she was no Michelle Forbes and Kira was no Ro.

If memory serves it was less a Prime Directive issue and more along the lines that Bajor was within Cardassian terrority.


I too will also sing the praises of the late Paul Winfield. Man did he nail the shit out of that role.

Tralfaz, his teeth clenched, his bowels enraged.

"The cancellation of Carnival and Deadwood."

Reading over my reply and your post I'm pretty sure I'm now arguing your point, so, Deep Space Nine was also a good show.

Good point, I retract my misfit statement.

Bashir did request Ds9 because it was out by space Palestine where all the action is. Frontier medicine and all that.

Oh don't act like you don't know fucking why

He gets promoted in Generations. Come on people, I mean, this is pretty basic stuff!