Jesus Tralfaz

Dude hears the cry of the warrior, what can you do?

It's also not nearly as cool.

Yep. Yar in "Yesterday's Enterprise" and "All Good Things" works because they are natural extensions of the story. Sela in "Redemption" and "Unification" fall flat and come off as Denise Crosby wanting back on the show because it's good now and she can't get work.

Ah, Alpha Flight. Even in comic book form Canada is really lame.

No. Not until you say you love the tire too.

at least we still have that big God damn tire of 94 in Allen Park


Again, the ending is cop out and way too easy. It always thought it would have been better served if they went ahead and sent him back with the paradox (which, would of course not have worked). Or have the Borg gun Hugh down when they return him to the crash site.

Huh, I'm surprized how many typos and gramatical errors I've made today. Four lunch beers will do that to you I guess.

Listen, we have all made it clear that we wanted to see Gates McFadden make out with another woman. If not living up to our juvinile and not-so-subtle misogynistic desires doesn't make Crusher homophobic, I don't know what will.

News to me too aleskel.

I'm glad that as a collective whole we have graduated from in-depth discussions on holodeck jizz to in-depth discussions on andriod jizz.

How fucking awesome was the second last seen in Redemption when Worf walks to the turbolift with Picard?

Michael Dorn's Bullwinkle is pretty killer.

"but I also think I'm going to need to take a break after I get through all seven seasons of TNG, and do something non-Trek for a while."

"I like that the Romulans gave Geordi a make-believe girlfriend"
She's not made up. She's from Canada and she and Geordi met at Space Camp last summer.

Man I just love how pumped Riker is that Data may get a piece.

Man fuck Arcade Fire. Fucking sellouts.

@ Post critique

Hah! That's why we beat you at football almost half the time.