Jesus Tralfaz

Neelix and Tuvok on Voyager.


Just keep pressing X.

Ezri (despite de Boer's attractiveness) never worked for me. In all fairness her character never had the first two shitty seasons of DS9 to come into her own like the rest of the cast. It didn't help that they had to shoehorn a couple of her episodes into the climax of a major story arc five seasons in the making.

Oh Ezri,

@ El Zilcho,

Jellico was total dick but he wasn't a bad guy at all, which leads to the ambiguity that makes his character great (Ronnie Cox performance certainly helped too). He might have been asshole but there's no doubt that he takes his duties and responsibilities as seriously as Picard does.

I'm with you Horse. The best season finale was when they were forced to abandon the station and Sisko gives his "I came through and I shall return" speech. The last shot was the Defiant joining the rest of the fleet. Badass.

Admiral Janeway is pretty awesome though, right guys?

Not to mention that the Outcast is horribly offensive to asexual hermaphrodites.

Fortunately for us all, my Riker/Worf slash fan fiction is readily available on the internet.

That was total crap. Smashing pots over people's heads? Ugh.

True, but Ds9 did have an awful lot of light/comedic episodes, far more than TNG or VOY. The baseball episode, any Quark Family episode, the one where O'Brien and Bashir get drunk.

Crusher wouldn't lezzie out at the end of the episode.

The Mass Effect VGs touch upon this idea. Diseases and viruses can't pass between species since their genetic makeup/evolution is completely different. The one notable exception is a species which has massive allergic reactions to any non-native diseases/pollen/air etc. even though they are technically immune to

"i even landed the plane in Top Gun for the NES"


And apparently a Miss Universe was the helmsman. Neat!

Fighthing against holodeck jizz threads is like trying hold back the in-coming tide with tea cup.

Funny, isn't it? The human was impervious to our most powerful magnetic fields, yet in the end he succumbed to a harmless sharpened stick.