Jesus Tralfaz

. . . Geordi gets laid . . .

"The Loss" is great because Riker finally calls Troi out on all of her bullshit. The scene is even better when you assume Riker was drunk.

And then we drift into grandma banging ghost candles and transestite androids in season 7.

Well fuck me for not scrolling down.

"Hello, David? I'm really tempted!"

@ Rabin

@Emperor Jim

Most importantly
What were those colorform things Picard had all over his face at the end of the episode?

@Emperor Jim

"Dad, you shot the zombie Flanders!"


I tired this with my wife and used "the Offspring." Didn't fair any better.

@ Henry

I love that scene as well, great performance from Stewart.

For the record, I'd like to state that choosing between watching Nemesis and Insurrection is like choosing which of your thumbs you'd rather have cut off.

Far enough. Of course I'm the guy that thinks Nemesis was better than Insurrection so what do I know.

I can't believe I'm saying this but the Lwaxana Troi episode was actual decent. By far her best star trek episode.

Well to each his own, cause I thought he was fucking terrible. The character is neat concept but Groener was brutal (although he did provide the inspiration for Will Ferrell in Elf, so he's at least got that going for him). The best scene in this episode is after Tin Man destroys the Warbird and Elbrun has his

I also really love how he originally was only going to give away the free near-beer to his officers

I agree with Zack that Allegiance's plot and story are pretty middle of the road but I've always loved it for the reason you stated above. I'd forgotten most of the scenes with real Picard in the cell but I always remembered the scenes of fake Picard fucking around with ship in crew. Like Chico pointed out below,