Jesus Tralfaz

An ale for me, and for my officers. In fact, ales for everyone!
I, for one, will miss you fake Picard.

Man you guys are making me tear up just think about that end scene. Luckily I'm at work and the sight of me crying in my cubicle is nothing new.

Actually, the Guinan bit worked for me (or more correctly her scenes with Picard worked for me). It made her character more interesting the all knowing sharmy pain in the ass she usually was. She knows something is seriously wrong, she's genuinally freaked out by it and is the first to admit she has no concrete

I still can't believe they named that piece of shit "B-4." Seriously, what the hell?

I also love the fact that they never beat around the fact that the Enterprise C is being sent back to be destroyed and destroyed quickly. No hand waving that the ship will some how turn the tide and win the battle.

"Mister Prime Minister!"

"That'll be the day" comes in second only to "I would rather die as the man was" as Picard's most bad ass moment.

Next week
Fuck yesssssssss!

Another vote for I Lost You and the infrequently mentioned Thinking of a Dream I Had

Listen assholes, the guy had sand in his shoes. Cut him a break.

Still better than the time Crusher fell in love with a haunted candle

I love the scene in that one when Riker calls her out on all of her bullshit.

IIRC Crusher has a through away line about how she expected Romulan biology to be similar to Vulcans but was surprized that they weren't compatible. Bit of hand waiving, but they at least touched upon it.

The one where she was kidnapped and turned into a Romulan wasn't bad either. Slim pickings though.

I'd think we'd be remiss if we didn't also mention Ron Moore's addition to the staff. There was also a similar jump in quality to DS9 when he crossed over after the end of TNG

Nemesis was at least a spectacular fuck up with some neat visual effects (plus I always felt Tom Hardy did some decent acting with not that much to work with). Insurrection was just boring and lazy. It felt like a bad Season 7 two-parter.

"I'm surrounded by arsonist and kids with there mittens pinned to their jackets year round!"

Thinking back on it, Season 2 was much better than I remember it (probably because Okana, the Child and Shades of Grey are burned in my skull). Hell, Measure of a Man and Q Who would probably end up on my top ten list.

Dax was hands down the hottest. Between the spots, causal bisexuality and fondness for rough sex, she's got them all beat.

"Data's painting is making me dizzy"