Jesus Tralfaz

Up The Long Ladder is awful but it does contain a lot of "what the fuck where they thinking" moments that make it worth a look. Sweater mid-drifts, horrible ethnic stereotyping, Riker flat out murdering clones.

Fucking Voyager.

I really liked the "I, Borg" episode but after that they really went downhill fast. The space zombies in First Contact were fun but Voyager really nerfed the hell out of them.

Oh God, I forgot about the Quark in drag episode. That one is defenitely in the top five worst DS9. Move Along Home was crap too.

There were a lot of boring, instantly forgettable DS9 episodes but the two were actively terrible that stand out were Worf/Jadzia episode on Risa and the Jadzia Brigadoon rip off that had Quark's head imposed on Kira's body.

I always liked Bajoran spring ball. A form of squash so intense that it required goalie masks.

At least Rikker nailed the hot Irish chick


@ greenspanDan

You just made that episode a lot better.

The Ringworld Throne.

When the train comes in . . .
Everybody rides!

Everything about the courtroom speech is awesome. It's the first time we really get to see Stewart just nail the shit out of a scene and starts a long tradition of bad ass Picard speeches.

It's really hard to believe they went from Okana to this in like five episodes. It's the first truly great TNG and probably in the top ten for the entire series.