
I come to the AV Club for words, not web design. All I need is a small photo from the movie, tv show, or album being reviewed and then some quality writing and a coherent comment system.

Batman Mobile has been my cell phone provider for years.

"Happy Halloween, Mister Wayne." "Happy Halloween, Alfred. Good will toward men… and women."

I hope the "current emo revival" means that Jimmy Eat World will come up with a worthy successor to Clarity

I am unwell!

I doubt Tyrese minds being Tyrese. Especially when those Fast and Furious and Transformers checks come rolling in. I know I wouldn't complain.

I want to go back and watch all the old Halloween toons now

Strong Bad and Snood were at least 1/3 of my college experience.

This video makes me want to take a quick hop in my old Sopwith Camel.

I got a "Postman" notification for this?

our cats were about to have sex

Do you even lift, bro?

Christine McVie writes Entourage poetry.

equipmunk dirty

Great finale to end a great series.  And I'm glad Splenda is my sweetener of choice.

But will there be Man-bat?

I enjoyed this along with Late Night's Game of Thrones and Downton Abbey parodies

Ken Burns' Quidditch