
Wouldn't you hear the 2 cars coming a little while before they showed up out in the middle of the desert? I was just hoping Hank would hear them coming and hide or run off.  I was also worried there were going to be Nazis up on the cliff sniping.

Can't wait for Landon and Clint to hoist up the 2014 World Cup Trophy in Brazil.  I'm kidding obviously, but I'm hopeful for a good showing.  The team has far more depth than 2006 or 2010.

I, for one, enjoy the Breaking Bad program.

Jax: "Tara, babe, look, I'm getting us out of Sesame Street.  For good.  There's just one more thing I gotta do for Oscar.  Then I'm out!" 
Tara: "Why do you have to help him?! He's a grouch!"Jax: "He may be, but at least he's not a monster." [Jax looks at Tara with contempt, both of them remembering she almost slept

If that's not the title, I guess we'll just have to adjust…

The post-credits scene was pretty great.  But maybe I'm just a sucker for seeing Patrick Stewart and Ian Mckellen on screen together.

I think Dadboner peaked sometime last year.  Now that he's doing interviews and talking about Esquire magazine on twitter, it kind of ruins the artifice of Karl Welzein's world.  It was better when it was all about top shelf margs, trunk liquor, Peanut, and the saga at his office with nosy lady.  I can't blame whoever

jumped in a burrito, what did I see, lots o'rice and beans before meeeeee…

These comics are all going to crossover, right?

Somewhere in the mountains, Stringfellow Hawke watched this video, joined in on his cello, and shed a single tear for the lady.

Ernest Borgnine and Jan Michael Vincent live on in comic book form!

Mobsters, meth dealers, corrupt sheriff's, terrorists, drug cartels, what do they all have in common?  Access to a what they think is a pretty cool helicopter.  That will get shown up and blown up by Airwolf at the end of the episode.

Don Draper is Seth Cohen but molds himself into Ryan Atwood

"I'm nawt ray-cist y'awl. I see everyone as big ol' bawls o'buttah, covahed in flour, ready to be deep frahed in hawt peanut awl."

He should put Bran on his back and they could alternate spinning

The real scene has moved on to Post-Hodorcore

I heard you were Hodoring in your Hodors for Hodors

To me, the Dandy Warhols will always be "that band that sings the theme to Veronica Mars"

One of Spinal Tap's drummers was there as well.  (He didn't make it).

It's a nice day for a red weddin'