
I agree. I think I'd have to say, people who have difficulty empathizing with Laura should maybe count their blessings.

Well I doubt it will help at all, but the very next line after the first time he says his full name is, "Shadow Moon? What an astoundingly improbable name!"

Dangerous sex is a common symptom of depression.

The role didn't ask very much of him, and there really wasn't anything to complain about. He was fine. Unremarkable I guess, but that felt perfectly appropriate for the character.

Laura started out bored and numb before she met Shadow. I mean, she's very clearly grappling with some kind of deep-seated depression. Like, really clearly.

it is both real *and* a made-up version of Gatorade.

Yeah, everyone was in on the fact that Barry couldn't know where Iris was. Telling Barry where Iris was and telling Savitar where Iris was are literally the same thing, it was a blunder either way.

Same, again. Like I've said before, the only thing Cat *doesn't* know is how they pulled off that little trick where Kara and Supergirl were in the same room. But she's smart enough to correctly assume "some kind of alien wizardry."

Also, doesn't that exchange make it 100% clear that Lena definitely knows Kara is Supergirl?

This show has been throwing shade at Bill O'Reilly since episode 1, when one of Kara's first lines was "This is about the White House Correspondent's Dinner, I *need* to make sure Ms. Grant isn't seated next to Bill O'Reilly again." It was in the trailer, even.

Chyler Leigh was also the MVP of the Gray's Anatomy musical episode. Jeremy Jordan (Winn) is a Broadway veteran, was on Smash - has an incredible singing voice. Jesse L. Martin (Joe West on the Flash), also a Broadway veteran, was in the original cast of Rent. Carlos Valdes (Cisco) is a great singer as well. I've

Favorite exchange of the evening:

Maybe he'll recalculate after they blow up the Death Star.

Don't Destroyer shields only stop blaster bolts anyway, and not physical objects? I remember examples from Clone Wars where they rolled grenades through those shields to kill those things, and one time Rex just walked through the shield from behind and shot its head off while it was distracted by Anakin and Ahsoka.

"Now it's time to punch your face!" gets my vote for best line of the night.

Yup. Lots of really awkward sex scenes.

She was also on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season 5 or 6? She played Dawn's bff.

Susan cares.

So, assuming there really is no backup of Scott and Cosima's research(BAD NERDS!)… I'm a little fuzzy and may need to re-watch, but wasn't Sarah's maggot-bot supposed to something-something about Sarah's immunity to the infertility mod? And didn't Cosima pocket that maggot-bot when Evie wasn't looking? I bet that

Up wasn't a 3D conversion… it was rendered in 3D.