Huge Gold Key is a reference to like a million classic Superman comics. References to goofy comic book stuff gets a pass.
Huge Gold Key is a reference to like a million classic Superman comics. References to goofy comic book stuff gets a pass.
"Who names a snake 'Fluffy' ?"
Eighth Brother activated some kind of beacon on his wrist back at the beginning of the episode when they had him handcuffed… I'm pretty sure that's what brought the other Inquisitors and Vader, just Vader was a little further away. Anyway, I'm pretty sure the episode didn't take place in real time
If you think Star Wars has even a tenuous relationship to the laws of actual physics, you're not paying very close attention.
It was actually Ventress' voice actress.
Nitpick: It was Palpatine who killed Savage, not Dooku.
Right? And I thought Enver Gjokaj couldn't get more sexy. And then that song and dance…
Well she's always wearing a shirt on this one, it's an understandable mistake.
I agree; I think the only thing Cat doesn't know is how they pulled off that trick to fool her. Although now with eyewitness cell phone evidence of shape-shifting aliens in the city… yeah there's no way she doesn't know. Why else would she put up with Kara's frequent unexplained absences from work?
Yes! Jeremy Jordan was so phenomenal in The Last Five Years. Anyone who's underwhelmed by his work on SUpergirl needs to watch it.
They really need to get the Arrow cast in on this as well, if only for John Barrowman's sweet pipes. Then there's Broadway legend Victor Garber over on Legends of Tomorrow… back on Supergirl, Chyler Leigh was the MVP of the Grey's Anatomy musical episode, so I think she can hold her own.
If you think Eddie might be the dude in the mask, you might have missed something at the end of the episode before last.
They used Aimee Mann's "Wise Up" for the opening mope sequence (the mopening?) - the song she wrote for the super-depressing climax of Magnolia. It wasn't subtle, but as an ardent Magnolia fan, I approve…
Maybe he had a parade to get to later?
Molly Quinn as M'gann M'orzz! *crosses fingers*
Plus, she really shouldn't be wearing that hat indoors. Not regulation.
I am also very easy to enterain.
But why do you watch it then?
Why is Chopper a psychopath for killing Imperial droids, when the organics kill other organics all over the place, and they're not psychopaths? I honestly don't understand the reasoning there.
That's what he said in 1983. In the DVD Commentary for Attack of the Clones, he admitted that the only reason Jango Fett and Obi-Wan had a fight is because he wanted to show off how cool Jango looked… a special effect without a story.