
Most of the existing silent films are in the public domain. They can pretty easily be found for free.

Yup. Rode his brother's coattails to bit parts in movies and a music career. He's a certified one-hit wonder, too.

Seeing as this (http://www.thebarbiecollect… is what happened the last time they attempted to make an Asian Ken doll, that might not be the worst thing.

E) Comment enough on one of the subblogs so that the other commenters there recognize you, then hope that one of them gets elevated to an official position and permanently ungreys their friends with their new powers (though after the disaster io9 had where they promoted a commenter who turned out to be plagiarizing, I

That was their band-aid to an epidemic of rape gifs that infested the Jezebel comment section for several months, before spreading out across all of the GM sites once Jez's then-EIC publicly blasted the higher-ups for doing nothing to solve the problem. Here's the article: http://jezebel.com/we-have-…

His actor's been listed in the credits as a regular all season, despite only appearing in two episodes so far. I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of Hanneman before the season's out.

JTV's a telenovela. With that format, the rapid plot shifts are par for the course.

Scuttlebutt is that his actor was submitted for Emmy consideration, so I imagine there's something big in his plotline coming up.

I'd say "The Jay Leno Show", but you said "comedy" and not "complete disaster".

It gets better. They *tried* to go to Voat, but Voat didn't want them either. Instead of joining the existing t_d page, the mods made their own, and when they pulled their "censor anyone I don't agree with" shtick the community there went nuts on them. Because "free speech" is literally the only principle the site

Unfortunately, that's not true. It was set to private (supposedly in protest for three of their mods being suspended), but it's back to normal now.

Dammit, Sega, just give us a new Jet Set Radio game already. It's not like there isn't demand. Indie spiritual successor Hover drops at the end of this month, and they made enough money on Kickstarter to hire Hideki Naganuma to do the music.

Like, not even the original graphic novel? A prose novelization of the film? That is…special.

I tried once, when I was a kid. The response was basically that I was being a rude, spoiled little bitch and that if I didn't like it, I could look forward to getting no gifts at all.

The Band's on later. Who's playing now.

One does not have to be a mom to get stuck in the trap of thoughtless but well-meaning gifts. I've been getting penguin stuff from relatives for years. There was also the year that I got buried in on-clearance Episode One merch because they found out I liked Star Wars.

Terry Crews is legitimately working on launching his very own line of yogurt (Berry Crews), so whether or not B99 gets renewed, he'll be good on that front.

Not to be confused with early 90's hip-hop group 3rd Bass.

Sounds like "A Doll's House," by Henrik Ibsen. Wonderful play.

And CW Seed for free, if you're in the US.