
Ray's realization that he'd been tricked reminded me heavily of Arrested Development.

Plus Gaiman's written short stories of the further adventures of Shadow, and I'm sure he's not done yet.

There *used* to be Hardees here in the Northeast, but they've been gone for about 20 years (in my neck of the woods, at least). A cursory look at their site shows that there are 3 locations in all of NY state, and seemingly none any farther north than that. There do seem to be several locations in PA and a few in NJ,

The song Krieger was humming sounded like "Du, du liegst mir im Herzen". It's basically the standard snippet used for German music. Madeline Kahn sang part of it in "Blazing Saddles", and Moltar sang part of it to Beck in the Space Ghost Coast To Coast episode "Edelweiss".

Green Fury is that character's original codename.

Daly's supposed to be getting another show soon, at least (it's one of the big reasons Review had to end).

Boyega will likely be tied up with Star Wars stuff for quite a bit, unfortunately.

Chiwetel Ejiofor has pretty much been my dream casting for The Doctor for a long time now. But I don't think that's the one you're referring to.

Nick Frost is in Into The Badlands? My interest in the show had been piqued during the Iron Fist debacle, but that clinches it. Looks like I've got a new show to watch.

And the song itself ("Pinball Number Count") is performed by The Pointer Sisters.

"Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" covers the book pretty extensively, too. Franken put one of the more ridiculous/stomach churning sex scenes in it no fewer than three times.

I believe that's actually a line in the novel, yes.

Not a Halt and Catch Fire fan, I take it?

I'd love to see Killer Instinct on there, but I don't know what the deal is with Microsoft/Rare and any licensing issues.

If this means that we'll finally have stories that start dealing with the complexities of the Force, rather than having a violent, child-stealing, emotionally-constipated cult being shoved down our throats as "the good guys," I am all fucking in.

If you like their older stuff, definitely check out Golden Sun of the Great East, the album they dropped in 2013. It's a real return to form.

Depends on which version of him you get. On, for one, is very beginner-friendly. Something like Come To Daddy? Not so much.

Tail end of Gen X and the early Millennials have a lot of similarities to each other. There was an article posted a while back that dubbed us "The Oregon Trail Generation".

I subscribe to the "Good Burger" view that "dude" is gender neutral.

It's a line from "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane", so it's also doubly apropos.