Jonathan Taylor Thomas

It's about fucking time.

Also, "They're shooting buffalo."

Fay-uck! Fay-uck!

"If it was me, I'd have ripped his spine out his ass"

catskills represent
It's about time good music goes upstate. First time since Woodstock '99

I liked this movie
Those overhead shots were very impressive, and the multiple decapitations were cringe-inducing in the best way. Josh Hartnett is never good, but Danny Huston and Ben Foster were both effectively creepy. It certainly was not a waste of time.

Saddle Creek
is awesome.

A few things
1. There has been a serious lack of Toby recently. He needs to come back.

That was my favorite part.

This was an excellent episode
It was one of the more perceptively satirical ones, as there really are no cool Republican celebrities. It also was maybe the most New York-centric the show has been, it really felt like Manhattan to me. I loved Liz falling asleep in the snow, and Dotcom's analysis of the modern GOP.

Shh! Movie.

You're a day late and off-topic.

David Cook
There were two teachers named David Cook at my high school. One was a 6'6" math teacher with dried spit at the corners of his mouth, and the other was a history teacher who sweat profusely and had a hearing aid even though he's only about 40 years old.

"Pillars." "Pillars" forever. Greatest song that falls under the emo umbrella.

John Tuturro
is a cool guy, and as such this commentary track doesn't sound as unbearable as most of the others.

That guy is already on Myspace records, so he can't leave one product placement label for another. Also, I don't understand how a such an effeminate white guy could possibly be even acknowledged as a rapper.

I was reading the interview with the red-haired guy on the Sneeze, which I just heard of today from this site, not 5 minutes before I come here and see this. The world is a strange, circular place. Also, I always watch this show when I come across it, and I never regret it. Good stuff.

One time,
I was in the car with my friend's dad who was also my high school's astronomy teacher. "My Sharona" came on the radio and he sang along to the whole thing, but changing the title to "My Scrotum." He also would honk every time we entered a new county. Those were the days.

You're referring to Josh Modell, but I was reminded of Wesley Willis.

Audrey Tautou
It seems like she hasn't tried very hard to break into American films, with only "The Da Vinci Code." "Dirty Pretty Things" was good, but hopefully someday she'll get a great English-speaking role. It seems like maybe she doesn't want to, and she doesn't really need to. Her French films are enough.