Jonathan Taylor Thomas

Also, where is the interview with Dave Pajo?

Anna paquin,
put me in your mouth.

Speaking of Amy Poehler
I just watched "Southland Tales." Can someone please explain to me what I just saw? Comic book David Lynch? The patients taking over the asylum?

What an upsetting set of buzzkills
I feel like crying and upping my meds.

Fat Elvis
So many times in life I want to behave Fat Elvis-style. "Jon, do something you don't want to do," they say to me. No! I want to sit on the toilet and eat fried peanut butter sandwiches. But I can't, so I fantasize about shooting out their TVs. No "House" for you tonight, asshole.

This man's knowledge of geography
is questionable, but he balances it out by being knowledgeable about music and writing songs like "Your Ex-Lover Is Dead."

Ethan Hawke
Gattaca Forever! Gattaca! Gattaca 2!!

Another thing delta farce does not have
Ethan Cohen (?)

I don't like when people say this, but I think it's important in order to figure out whatever I just said: I'm drunk right now.

holy shit
I just watched this movie the other night because I knew it was coming up and I would show the first Babe to my kids if I had them but I wouldn't show them this movie unless they were much stronger children than I was. This was one of the most distressing movies I've ever seen. The scene where the animals

Fat, bald punk singer acting weird?
Was it Les Savy Fav? That right there is a great band.

Yeah, I thought about mentioning Tom Waits as an exception, but less of a "rock star" than someone like David Bowie. Also, Tom Waits' early stuff is still pretty good, he just hadn't peaked yet. These other guys, once they were past their prime and deep into the 80's, they started completely sucking,
but then started

the 80's
Did any great pre-80's rock star not completely lose their way then? Lou Reed, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, David Bowie, The Rolling Stones…everyone.

ed norton
needs to cut the shit make the "Motherless Brooklyn" movie like he's supposed to.

Snow buddies
That is truly some depressing shit.

Mr. Cox
Has Shane McGowan ears. "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees" is the best line in Repo Man.

djital monsters

Why Jim Carrey? Why hasn't he been made to pay for that Grinch bullshit? Why does the film industry never learn from its mistakes?

It doesn't surprise me that Dave Pajo wants to play metal. Slint kind of sounded like a metal band anyway, in how complex their structures were.

Did anyone figure out what the hell Cocote actually is?