Jonathan Taylor Thomas

How about an August Lindt travel show? He could go all over the country searching for the best place to kill himself.

It is "Lizzie and Sarah." Thanks for the reminder?

What's that British show about two middle-aged women whom the world continually shits on and they don't do anything about it? I watched it on a plane, of all places, and it was so bleak that it basically shut my mind off, and I can't remember the title. Whatever it is, it's like a Todd Solondz movie without morality.

I Bet It Was A Massacre
I haven't listened to most of these, but I doubt any of them are worse than this band. What's up with these lame metal/lame electro combination bands? I'm not old, and they make me feel old.

Good call on 28 Days Later. You just reminded me how great that scene with Godspeed is.

The white girl's encounter with the black professor is about the most squirmingly uncomfortable and uncomfortably hilarious scenes around. What a hurtful little movie.

You're missing the most obvious, but the best, because it's better than just about anything ever, probably: the chess scene. I'd also say Omar's courtroom scene, and Avon and Stringer's confrontation where Stringer has a gun.

Jesus Christ. I peed from the memory.

I would say the conversation with the midget and the prostitute for hilarity in "In Bruges." One gold nugget after another.

The first four singles from Late Registration are Kanye's best, but after them the album loses the plot until "Gone." College Dropout is paced better and has deep cuts that are as good as the hits.

Can I get in on this?

When I saw "The Dirty South" next to "You Forgot It In People," I know that this was going somewhere. "Puttin' People On the Moon," dudes.

Great list
This is the best end-of-decade list I've seen so far. Hip-hop is well-represented, with "The College Dropout" at number two where it belongs. "Separation Sunday" in the top ten is a wonderful thing to see. I would switch "Original Pirate Material" with "A Grand Don't Come For Free," because that's really

I want to come
but I'm 20. You should put me on the guestlist. You'll know me when you see me; I'm a dreamboat.

What you call a C+ shit has already been named, it is called the "sphincter-glider," or "sphinc-glide."

I wouldn't expect more from Neil Brennan. How can you not be leery of someone who turned on Dave Chappelle? He wanted that Comedy Central money, and he's cashing in regardless of quality. And while I am resolutely pro-cigarette, the trailer's airplane smoking joke is obnoxious. According to the trailer, there's also a

Bodie is in this. Or, the actor who plays Bodie is in this. It always jars me to see actors from "The Wire" in other things, and in this instance in particular. Bodie is just too gully to not be real, nomsayin?

Oh, Burl, I wish we could all protect you from knowing scary things like this.

Chappelle's Show
I find myself quoting Chappelle's Show more than anything else. At the end of most sporting events, I say "game: blouses." Whenever the word "juice" comes up in conversation, I am obligated to say "Juice? That was a good one!"

My friend's dad says "fargen bastage" and "icehole" every fifteen minutes or so. I thought he was the only person who ever quoted this movie. I thought maybe he asked this question.