Jonathan Taylor Thomas

Two words
Emo hair. I believe the official term is "hair fang"

Badly is an adverb. Who taught you grammar?

Elf 2
He says the script made no sense when really it was his answer that made no sense.

I once saw Mr. Chomsky driving that van. It's real.

Does Scorsese
Dye his eyebrows?

We all should have seen that one coming, because actors playing real people, especially musicians, have been a lock the past few years. Also, the Academy loves beautiful women who make themselves ugly.

August Rush
"Falling Slowly" is too good to win. It's hard out here for a pimp to not punch Robin Williams in his soul-patched face.

Sarah Jessica Parker?
No. Never, never, never.

Donnie darko
Good choice. One of my favorites, probably the movie I've watched more times than any other. Will this be the director's cut or the original version?

books! books! books!

He (I'm assuming this kid was male) had to steal them, because his mom would be home soon and he'd spent all his money on weed.

u2 was never good. ever.
The Joshua Tree sucks balls with razor wire for pubic hair.

I'm so going to buy this album
Greg Dulli has never done anything bad. Musically, that is. What a badass. Gentlemen will rule forever, as will "The Killer."

I'd watch if it was California gold diggers of 1849 in a fabulous LA mansion. This, not so much.

Broken Social scene
"Anthems For a Seventeen-Year-Old Girl" or "Lover's Spit?"

my dad is bigger and better than your dad
He's got eight cars and a house in Ireland

His son hangs dogs.

I have a David Sedaris crush. And a Langston Hughes crush.

Most annoying part

Dolph throws the diamonds up like he bulimic.