
The way this show treats death is one of my biggest qualms with it. It still makes me angry that nobody ever mourned Erica or Boyd, that they never showed grief counselors at school (since about half the student body has been murdered by now), etc etc. Jeff Davis loves to kill off characters, but it seems like he has

I don't like the twins at all, and was really hoping they were the big deaths this season, and yet I still cried. It's probably all JK Rowling's fault that I have a thing about one twin dying.

We were all hoping that it was the twins. And in the event that it wasn't the twins, Isaac. Sorry Isaac.

If there aren't already fanfics about a StilesxStilesxsomebody threesome, I am going to be very disappointed.

Phil pretty obviously just hates the show, and apparently is just getting paid to spit out a quick and sneering plot summary every week. I think it would work out better if we just had a blank page that said 'Teen Wolf' on it with a comments section.

Didn't somebody say "I like the twins," in this episode? Which, ironically, is a sentence that no one else has ever said.

So, how hot was crazy fly-possessed Derek? I'm glad he got to show off a little more and do something other than frowning and brooding.

I don't understand how last night was filler. Last week was filler for sure, where the plot didn't move forward at all. Last night we got the Nogitsune out of Stiles, which seems like a pretty big step.

Sheriff stood around by Stiles's chessboard and said that they need to change the punchline, so I was convinced that everyone standing in a circle around Nogitsune and attacking him was some kind of ruse, because it was so stupid otherwise. Turns out those dads are just pretty and dumb.

I hope they play Yakity Sax while two Stiles chase each other through a multi-doored hallway.

For a 900 year old, Noshiko-Kira's-Mom sure was stupid. Sure, I'll call down a trickster spirit, infamous for causing chaos and not following any rules, I'm sure he will enter my body and then do exactly what I want him to.

Pssssh, kids today! I bet those kids would actually get the names right in a show they're paid to review, crazy youths.

Fuck demon Stiles for sure, I bet he would be crazy in bed. Marry Deputy Cute-Eyes. Kill Isaac, for being so fucking dumb.

Them holding hands was very sweet.

I was also under the impression that the yakuza wolf-house was still in the US. Anyway, the important stuff:

The last 10 minutes were definitely an A, but the rest was a pretty solid B.

Don't worry, those gifs have already been re-appropriated.


The Tumblr fanwank has always been that possessed!Stiles has solid black eyes, but he's playing it so well that it's way creepier without them and with just his regular face, but eviler.

Teen Wolf: There are a lot of balls in the air.