
Dammit, I was about to reply to you with a 'it's pronounced nu-cu-lar' but you already had it spelled that way. Son of a bitch.

If only Katrina had been slain by the demon baby and Hawley was killed by the succubus, we could have started over with a clean slate.

When Hawley is off-screen, everyone should be asking, "Where's Hawley?"

You… you know girls don't pee out of their vaginas, right?

Ani and Tori are always going to be inextricably linked for me. Both passed down to me from a bigger sister at such an age that they're probably imprinted in one of the important areas of my brain.

I loved his wary expression before and after taking the note from the bird. I guess that was some real life shit bleeding through.

So he's proactive?

That would probably make the birth a little easier.

Did Henry also cast a spell that makes her boring and makes me want her to die or disappear?

Oh yeah, he's gotten to first base (hand-holding parent walk) with more than a few ladies, let me tell you.

I was expecting his apology to be cringey somehow, or for there to be more wacky misunderstandings… but it was played so sincerely that the next scene at the river was really heartbreaking. It was sweet/sad to see how much Ichabod really cared about her.

Is Mindy Kaling actually overweight, though? I would guess she falls into 'normal' range, she's just not Hollywood skinny.

Knowing this show's track record, Mason will disappear and never be mentioned or heard from again.

Probably my number one beef with this show is how they treat death. If you're killing off half a dozen characters every season, maybe you should think about showing some consequences. Nope! Erica, Boyd, Allison dead, and nobody ever mourns or changes their behavior or brings them up again.

As long as Derek keeps making meaningful eye contact with Stiles over whassername's shoulder, I can deal with chill Derek.

This show is just so frustrating. It's like they have no idea how to make a character relate to more than one person at a time. It feels like this season, Derek has only interacted with Braeden, Scott has only interacted with Liam, and Stiles has only interacted with Malia/sometimes Lydia.

Is there any excitement left about anything on this show? I can't figure out if this season has really been that terrible or if I'm just depressed.

Maybe he and Jackson have remained pen pals.

I think we all know why Derek was dreaming about Stiles in a locker room.

Ugh, this makes me mad. I feel like they pulled way back on Stiles and Derek moments this season as a reaction to Sterek - yeah, we get it, you think it's weird, showrunners. But the chemistry between the two (not necessarily sexual, just as friends/adversaries) was obviously good enough to spawn an enormous