
Derek just has a lot of feelings.

No, Jeff Davis was typically cryptic. It was not a good Wolf Watch, even compared to other episodes of Wolf Watch, which are terrible.

Dylan O'Brien has basically been killing it this whole season (and in previous seasons too, of course). Which makes me worry that he's outgrowing this show.

Gotta be a Polish/Eastern European name with way too many consonants.

There definitely should've been a hug in the MRI room. Also, I guess when you have a Sheriff and a nurse standing right behind you, you get your MRI results right away, instead of having to wait like 3 weeks.

Marry Stiles, fuck Derek, kill Isaac. Obviously.

God, what a miserable review. It's like someone has a gun to Phil's head and is forcing him to write them.

I want to pick him up in my arms and rock him like a baby. That's a pretty reasonable response, right?

Do we think she died of something supernatural related, or something normal? The symptoms they listed make me think of paranoid schizophrenia, so I wonder if she had it for real or what. Anyway, it spells heartbreak for poor Sheriff Stilinski, who is having a rough couple of years.

I can't even watch Wolf Watch, it's too awkward. I have to mute it until they get to the Tyler Posey backstage part, and then the next week's episode preview part.

Sassy Derek is my favorite Derek, and apparently he is also now Scott's lapdog, which is pretty funny.

I'm not sure how I feel about the possessed Stiles plotline (it gives me anxiety) but possessed Stiles sure was hot.

What Stiles there was in it, though, was pretty powerful. That 'Thanks, Mom' hit me right in the gut.

That wink and subsequent Sheriff giggle was the highlight of the episode for me.

The elated puppy dog face he makes any time Scott is close by is a great argument.

Don't you know, all the cool kids are trick-or-treating in parking lots near old abandoned warehouses now.

Teen Wolf has handled gay stuff alternately well and terribly, but I was happy with this moment. And considering all the extremely attractive shirtless guys traipsing around Beacon Hills, who wouldn't be bisexual?

In all seriousness, if Dylan O'Brien leaves the show I wouldn't watch it anymore, and I think that's the case for a lot of people, and Jeff Davis knows it. My money's on Lydia dying. I'd be pretty upset if Derek went, but you're right, he's becoming more and more peripheral to the main plot.

The reviews on TV Club are sorted by grade, and right now Teen Wolf is at the top, which can only mean that this is the BEST SHOW ON TELEVISION.

Also, haven't we established that Alphas are pretty powerful and observant and stuff? Last (first half of this) season could've gone a lot differently if we knew that all you have to do to take out an alpha is sneak up behind them with a tire iron.