
She's a lady, so odds aren't good.

That crazy bomber guy was really good with the smartphone. It's so intuitive, you don't even have to be sane to take a great low-light picture!

I seem to be constantly getting signed out of Discus, so that's not great.

Duke fan would be a dealbreaker. How could I possibly respect them?

My guess was also Deucalion. Since we didn't hear that he'd left the show, I assume he'll be showing up this season.

Now we have to see how Peter will go through life with a permanent shocker. I can't imagine it will bring him down too much. Also, I for one would love to hear you sing, Uncle Peter.

The Who Am I game was pretty funny, since the first question they asked always exactly telegraphed who they had on their head.
"Am I a strong and silent, yet sensual black man who works with animals?"

And her eyebrow game was on point.

That's who Scott seemed to think it was, but I have no idea why he would think that.

It seems like Derek is just doomed to always be involved in the stupidest plots, and also to never have a good day ever.

I was definitely glad TW was back last night, and hooray! A Stiles-centric episode! One of the things that bothered me was with Kira - She's introduced, Scott turns around and sees her, and boom, new love interest. And that's how all the love interests go - everybody looks at each other and instantly has a connection

Yeah, Tyler and Dylan saved it, but I get the feeling that Wolf Watch is going to be really awkward when it has other stars on it.

Man, the second Stiles looked at that book cover and couldn't read it, I thought of that B:TAS episode!

I wish we could just shit or get off the pot when it comes to Stiles and Lydia. I really don't want them to get together, I like them a lot better as snarky genius friends, but I'm pretty sick of the boring will they/won't they.

Yes. I was introduced via Tumblr, queued up the first episode, and thought, "Who is this Scott guy? Why aren't Stiles and Derek making out yet?"

The Emmys must be run by a bunch of MORANS.

A man's heart is stonier, Col. Alphonse, he grows what he can and tends it.

*looks down at escalator*

They actually home-aloned Derek for their entire 6 year South American vacation.

Apparently she's leaving the show, so I don't think we're ever going to get any further character development.