
It makes me sad too. Those two had potential and I would've liked to see more of them. Also, it still makes me mad how nobody seemed to notice or really care that they were dead after their death scenes.

Favorite Scene: Stiles and Scott in gasoline. <3
Favorite Shipping Pair: My heart lies with Sterek, but this season was a dud for it. But I'm already resigned to the fact that Sterek is something that happens completely separately from what's happening on the show.
Favorite Friendship: Stiles and Lydia were great this

Oh yeah. That one was no good either, what a waste of an episode.

Pretty sure I've read a fanfic about that.


Let's call him Douchedad McCall.

Cora makes me really angry. There was SO MUCH POTENTIAL with her character, and they threw it all in the trash and had her be a mannequin that stood in the back of scenes, then a dead body laying on a bed. She never had an emotional moment with Derek, they never explained how she survived, and I don't know if it was

Because we're forgetting all about Boyd and Erica, haven't you heard?

Best episode: "Motel California" was the one I enjoyed watching the most. I just hummed and covered my eyes during the Derek and Jennifer scenes.
Worst episode: Is "Visionary" the one where they were all stumbling through the woods the whole episode? Or was that "Fireflys?" Anyway, there were a few of those middle

Apparently just because Derek stood outside the house and watched his family burn doesn't mean that they died, judging by Cora coming back unexplained. I'll be honest, I wouldn't be too mad with the whole family coming back, Derek getting to live at home, and everyone being happy.

Who was the mystery girl who saved Isaac in the first episode?

Let's be real, Isaac definitely groped everybody while they were out cold in the ice baths.

Derek getting rid of his Camaro for that Toyota mom-car will never be forgotten. Or forgiven.

Duke really came out at the end of the episode as another one of the hot adults on this show, with his non-gross eyes and his ripped shirt deep-V.

Shirtless Danny was really the shirtless highlight of this season. Hopefully in the second half it'll be revealed that he's a centaur or something that always has to keep his shirt off.

I'm happy they're alive, but I'll admit I wasn't too upset when I thought we were going to do a total clean sweep and have every new character they introduced this season dead by the end of the episode.


Yeah, I'm hoping it will just be a kiss between friends and things won't get weird.

This season's been slowly adding on the MILFs as well. Of course badass town-runner Melissa McCall, but also Derek's mom, and probably Stiles's mom is a hottie too. Bringing our grand total to DILFs, MILFS, UILFs, and of course, W(erewolves)ILFs.

Also, it's not just because I'm a Sterek fangirl (okay maybe it's because of that) but I greatly prefer Stiles and Lydia as friends on this show. Their dynamic this season has been fun to watch and some of the show's high points, and I feel like if they start dating we'll be plunged back into embarrassing puppy dog