
Apparently Dylan O'Brien is hesitant to take off his shirt on camera, which
1) Is his choice. I'm glad Jeff Davis isn't forcing him. But
2) he did it on New Girl and looked great, and
3) Come on, he signed up for Teen Wolf, what did he expect?

"Juxtaposed next to our hearts?"

Especially when he delivers the suggestion, then turns around to smirk knowingly out the window.

That Kong ride led to a 2- or 3-year deep-seated fear of King Kong.

This might be my favorite Teen Wolf joke ever.

Yeah, but Derek's age is still in nebulous werewolf years. He could be anything!

And he wears the deepest V's.

She should've just killed three random freshmen, then she'd have her virgins AND be able to get school work done.

Scott's Mom: "Oh, honey, we all knew that too. But you were trying so hard! We didn't want to hurt your feelings."

They just need to put in a throwaway werewolf fact and that would fix it.

Apparently episode 12 is called 'Lunar Eclipse,' soooo…

Sassy, pouting Derek is my favorite Derek.

She's also the forensic specialist, emergency preparedness director, and general badass! I hope she's getting paid well for this.

I also like Kali a little more after this episode (it might just be because she might be bisexual, I'm shallow like that).

Him crying doesn't hurt either. (I might be a bad person)

I loved Peter's crazy eyes when he had the shot sticking out of him.

I like the way they've handled PB and Marcy together. To me, it feels a little obvious that there was some relationship there in the past, and a break up, and now they're hanging out more and enjoying each others company again. But because it's a kid's show their relationship is not really important and doesn't need

I also really liked this as a counterpoint to the other PB scenes we've had lately. She's been kind of always busy and a little nuts and a touch evil, and this episode is a nice reminder that she's an 18 year old with a lot on her shoulders and she's pretty cool mostly.

Oh, so sorry, Derek, I know you thought we all died in the fire, but actually your whole family has been doing mission work in Guatemala for 7 years. We don't like you, which is why we didn't tell you.

Somebody on Tumblr theorized that when she was listing off all her powers to the Sheriff she was threatening Stiles, who has elements of each. It's kind of a long shot, but I certainly want it to be true.