
I want to care about Cora, but they're making it really hard.

Yeah, but they both have names.

Okay, so can you guys just confirm for me - Jennifer is the Darach is Paige, right? Paige was "dead" and they buried her in the woods after cutting her up to conceal her identity, then somehow she was either raised from the dead or turned into a non-werewolf, Jackson-style. I thought it was telling that Stiles

If the Sheriff is killed this show will be DEAD TO ME.

This is a really weird review. Has Phil really been watching Teen Wolf this whole time? Can we maybe get over how the show is cheesy (we know) and cliche (we know) and actually talk about the episode?

You had one job, Cora.

It grossed me out a little when Scott was taking his pain the second time and Grandpa was making little moaning noises, followed immediately by him telling Scott, "I think of you sometimes."

I'm betting/hoping she's Jennifer. And Jennifer is therefore evil.

Peter: Boy, this story telling is really making me warm. *takes off shirt* Stiles, why don't you give me a backrub?

The way Cora's been written is so frustrating. When she said "Derek wasn't like that when I knew him" it rang really false to me - it seems like that's not what a sister would say about her brother, but what somebody would say about an old acquaintance.

I mean, that's the point. Stiles is a comic relief, but his non-comic acting has been great (see: Scott and flare scene), so I feel like he might be able to pull off intimidating. Scott is really good at being earnest, being a teenager in love, and being dumb but not that dumb, but stuff that falls out of that range

The deal with the scorpion/frog/turtle story - the original story is that there's a scorpion and a turtle, the scorpion tries to sting the turtle halfway across the river through his shell, then the turtle drops him into the river and continues on.
I wonder if it's significant that the story changed, if it's meant to

Once again, Stiles would have been better at the intimidating part. If Scott was smart, he would take Stiles with him everywhere and making him do the heavy-lifting acting parts.

Yeah, the real 16 year olds were an odd choice, seems like it's just emphasizing how old everyone else looks. Also it made it awkward to watch them making out. Gross, 16 year old ear play.

But it was a Special Occasion!

It's just a silly phase they're going through.

Take the pain from my dick, Scott. Do it.

I thought it was a shame. Boyd had a chance for such pathos - lonely, overweight guy with no friends, feels responsible for his sister's death and relives it every day at his job, finally feels like he becomes part of something and then his only friend dies. If the writers were better at juggling multiple characters I

" If the whole episode was just Stiles and Lydia arguing in front of a
backdrop of Danny, Derek, and Scott being all shirtless and glistening, I
would watch the fuck out of it."

I wish they'd held themselves back and introduced maybe 2 or 3 new characters instead of 15.