
I remembered that, but we'd never seen it done to humans before. It definitely would've been helpful any number of times in the past, so I wonder if they just forgot about it or if it's something new Scott can do.

Well, he'd just seen Scott at Deaton's office, where Scott was wild with worry. So I don't think it's a big stretch for him to find Scott where Deaton's being held.

Oh, but how cute was Danny and Stiles's scene in the hospital?
"It's your dream, it's your responsibility." 

I think when the Sheriff walked into the bank, Scott had just been thrown back and was kind of just laying on the floor. It's still a little suspicious, but not as suspicious as him pushing against an invisible wall.

To be honest, I'm getting really frustrated with this season. Yes, we get it, Scott is an alpha, and I care a lot less about that than they seem to think I should. But while that's happening:

I was thinking that werewolves taking pain from humans was just fanon until now. I wonder if it's an alpha thing, an all-werewolves thing, or just a Scott thing.

Kidnapping and threatening to kill a teacher? That's definitely a library detention.

If Derek would just attack himself with a handsaw, Stiles could try to wrestle it away from them, and then their eyes would meet over the whirring saw and it would be love at first sight. Classic meet-cute.

It takes a lot of work to make me not care about a sex scene with Hoechlin, but this episode pulled it off.

Stiles was SUCH a hero in this episode, it brought a tear to my eye.

I had an immature giggle when Ethan jumped off of Danny and rushed to the bathroom. I mean, the only thing I'd be thinking if I was Danny is that Ethan suddenly had to poop.

Jennifer encouraging Derek not to tell anyone that he's not dead has a pretty evil vibe going on. Also the fact that she's pretty nonchalant about giant gaping abdominal wounds, to the point that she'll jump on top of Derek without any worry at all.

I had to look away from the screen every time one of Derek's scenes came up. I just didn't care SO HARD.

His good acting is really starting to emphasize everyone else's mediocre acting. They should probably kill him off to save the show.

I was getting an almost romantic vibe from them in season 2, so I'm not sure I'm ready to believe they're literally brother and sister yet.

I was pretty bored with this episode, to be honest. It's cool that they're trying new things and doing a different episode structure, but just like the episode a couple weeks ago I feel like it could've been condensed down a lot more. The part that was presumably supposed to be exciting (abandoned mall fight) was cut

I think it's pretty clear that the chemistry is actually strongest between Scott and Isaac and between Isaac and Allison. So, and I'm kind of serious here, polyamory is the solution.

OH I have an actual answer for this. Jeff Davis, on the Teen Wolf Tumblr: "I think Aiden just literally gets sucked into Ethan’s body and Ethan’s pants stretch to a couple of sizes larger."

Agreed. It looked to me that nobody really thought to check on Derek (who got IMPALED for like 30 minutes last week and survived, remember) until what we can only assume is about a week later when Peter and Cora stopped by.

Once I saw it I couldn't UN—see it, and now all I can concentrate on is how her head possibly stays stable on her neck.