
Why is Ms. Morrell siding with the Alpha pack?

Apparently Ethan's the gay one. But Danny can do better.

I agree that Hoechlin's been doing much better in these two episodes. I liked his "We don't like you." to Peter.

They look like creepy hulking babies. I hope we're not supposed to believe they're super attractive in this show, I'm not sure I can suspend my disbelief that far.

Also, I've met exactly 1 white person who doesn't like fried chicken. Can't that be a stereotype we ALL embrace?

You've obviously never been to the comments section on any news site, then. Just makes you want to shoot yourself.

I watched BR when I was 13 or so and enjoyed it, then forgot about it. I watched it again, in my 20s, after I'd worked as a teacher in a Japanese school. That shit hit HARD. I showed up the next day and just wanted to give all the kids teary hugs and tell them not to kill each other.

I know this thread is just everyone flexing their Japanese muscles, and I have something to add.

Wow, without even seeing the movie, and not having read the book since high school, that scene was still devastating.

The only really useful thing I've gotten Siri to do is to send a text message while I'm driving. Otherwise I just ask it how the weather is in Israel or something.

#proudofchrisbrown #chrisbrownsobrave #chrisbrownplzbeatme

Made an Eleven, bow tie notwithstanding.

Man, turns out I do not remember ANYTHING about these movies. I guess I was just watching and thinking BATMAN BATMAN BATMAN

The world needs a gritty Dick Grayson followed by a gritty Jason, Tim, and Damian. All in one movie?

Woah, people STOPPED watching the Simpsons because they felt the quality had deteriorated? First I've heard of it!

I think Jules is actually going to care a lot when he comes clean. Her dad being a con-man should give her issues with men who lie for profit.

There are times when I look at what I'm doing and think, "This could easily be a cold-open on a procedural." Definitely about to either be murdered or find a murdered body.

Not sure I agree that this was a great episode, but it seems strange that it was a B- despite the reviewer having nothing nice to say about it.

That's kind of… really hot. I would download that.

Not to mention physically abusive, since apparently in this movie Bella is covered in bruises after their wedding night.