
30 Rock's worst episodes are better than almost everything else on TV. I will go to the GRAVE defending that show.

He thinks Shawn is arrogant?!?!

I only watched the end of this episode, so I missed the science fair, but "Pubes: Who's Got Em?" is perfect. Just perfect.

"Hey Chris, maybe next you'll be reincarnated as a good dancer."

I think your pasta thing may be a personal problem.

That beard has seen things.

Oh God I would watch the shit out of Top Chef: Hoarders.

Early in the game the best part is just looking at the food people make. If you don't like looking at food, this probably isn't the show for you.

Let's be fair, it's the only thing that distinguishes her from the masses of blonde skinny girls behind her. If she didn't scream about Jesus every few episodes she would just fade away.

Agreed, but every show needs something the reviewer won't stop harping on (30 Rock vs Studio 60, the 3 Glees theory..), so maybe it's just a rite of passage.

Agreed. This episode (and to some extent, last week's vampire episode) were so-so, but the 2-week ago Hangover-inspired one was fantastic.

We like to refer to that as a "Jaunt."

Castle nerds! Can someone delineate some of those times Beckett saved Castle?

In one of the first THOH Willie comes into a classroom on fire for some reason. The teacher ignores him (humorously) and his skin burns off and you can see his insides and then his bones and it scared the shit out of me as a child.

"Gus, don't be the only black lead on a major cable network."

She's 27 years old, which is younger than some of the other girls, but still. I think they did a quick shot of her without make up and it was pretty rough.

I'm a fan of this show and would love to see reviews here.

God in the Machine

I feel like there were a lot of references in what River said, echoing things she's said before. Someone with better memory than I catch any?

That would've just killed the whole audience, episode over. "I'll just call Sarah Janeā€¦ oh. oh."