
One thing's for sure: you'll never find any fish sticks in Kanye's trash bin.

Yo Kanye, I'm really happy for you, Imma let you finish, but Alec Baldwin has one of the best paparazzi fights of all time!

We need a Pitchfork gimmick account commenter. I'd love to do it, but for one, I'm not witty enough, but also the jerb tends to get in the way of my commenting.

Surprise, Lumberfucker!

He's like an indie Alex Jones. Did he blame MI5 for taking 20 fucking years between albums too?

Saw them back in August. Bring a good pair (designed for audio, that is) of ear plugs!

I think the Breaking Bad cow is almost dry.

Sorry, buddy, but the Sons of Anarchy auditions are now over.

You must be on your period.

Is Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. the new Breaking Bad?

I still don't see how this is related to Breaking Bad.

I always wanted a WET channel. Wait, that came out wrong…

I don't think this site supports AOL.

It's a "fixer-upper."

I remember having to choose between this movie or Fox News. I chose Fox News.

Question: what is the A.V. Club gonna write about once Breaking Bad is over?


"The price is wrong, bitch!"

This shit was so rigged, just like every contest I never win.

Looks like a wiener.